May 04, 2006

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

First, the good.

After a few interviews with local companies looking for programmers, I received an offer letter and signed up with a local tech company
. They've been around since 1994 and seem pretty stable. I have some friends that work there; in fact, it was one of them who got me the interview so quickly. Another plus is that their central office is located somewhat close to my home, which means I will have the ability to bicycle to work occasionally for some much needed exercise. I am ashamed to admit that my New Year's Resolution to hit the gym more consistantly has failed miserably, so perhaps biking to work will renew my zest for punishing cardio workouts.

Next, the bad.

Being off work since April 7, I am quite anxious to start working again. Although I am grateful for the chance to finally have the "spare" time to clean out the basement, repaint The Daughter's bedroom, and practice my golf swing, such activities do not the mortgage pay. Bills there are, and money I have not. And apparently, make one talk like Yoda it does. So, I was muchly saddened when I discovered that the soonest my company could bring me on board would be the middle of May. Even more so when I learned that I wouldn't have medical or dental insurance until the first of June. So, it means a few more weeks of watching the purse strings, and being careful walking down stairs and stepping out of the shower. I've told The Daughter that May is Health-Awareness Month, where one cannot get sick, or sustain any injury that can't be fixed with a band-aid.

Finally, the ugly.

Not a Peruvian RatYes, it's Sam, the winner of the 2005 Ugliest Dog Contest. Not to mention the fact that Sam also won in 2004 and 2003. Alas, Sam went to that great dog pound in the sky last November, so the door is open for another champion of canine grotesquery this year.

Looking at Sam reminds me of an urban legend I used to pass around during my college days. Seems a family picked up a small rodent-like dog at the pound one day, but later in the week were puzzled by the disappearance of their family cat. Upon investigation, it was found that said dog was not a dog at all, but the infamous Peruvian Rat, a most crafty and bloodthirsty carnivore if ever there was. Yes, little Fluffy had been the main course. So be extra cautious when picking up any stray dogs you may find, or you might face a similar fate!


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