Now About Those Taxes...
For those not "in the know", a Seldon Crisis is a term from Asimov's Foundation series. Loosely speaking, it signifies a pre-determined pivotal crisis point where only one possible, inevitable course of action exists. Since I will most likely only contribute to this blog when such crisis points occur, its usage as a blog name seemed quite apropos.
The Daughter and I took in the movie "Ratatouille" over Independance Day, but sadly arrived so late that we were forced to sit in the dreaded front-row seats. However, it was a great movie nonetheless. PIXAR always delivers. However, about halfway through the movie, I nudged her and whispered "I know I recognize the food critic Anton Ego's voice, but I just can't place it." She agreed, and so began the race to identify the actor in question first. After about one minute, Kelli confidently announced a name that I absolutely should have gotten, and I knew that she had won. The student had indeed beaten the master.