Breathe, Breathe in the Air...
On a recent mini-vacation to California, me and four buddies experienced the wonder of indoor skydiving. Here's a short YouTube clip of my simulated freefall excitement!
For those not "in the know", a Seldon Crisis is a term from Asimov's Foundation series. Loosely speaking, it signifies a pre-determined pivotal crisis point where only one possible, inevitable course of action exists. Since I will most likely only contribute to this blog when such crisis points occur, its usage as a blog name seemed quite apropos.
On a recent mini-vacation to California, me and four buddies experienced the wonder of indoor skydiving. Here's a short YouTube clip of my simulated freefall excitement!
Many years ago, when I was between jobs and extremely bored, I decided to try and write down every movie I could remember seeing. I wrote down as many as I could remember, and then got one of those film & video guides in hopes that the films listed and reviewed would jog my memory for those I'd forgotten. I remember the first movie I ever saw, when my mom drove me as a ten-year old to Henry's Theatre in downtown Hagerstown. I remember the first midnight movie I saw with friends at Long Meadow Shopping Center (also in Hagerstown). And like that legendary Sergio Leone film, some movies have been very good, some have been very bad, and some have been very, very ugly.